Our program is run entirely by volunteers that work together in various different roles.
Do you …
- Enjoy the outdoors?
- Have the desire to learn new skills?
- Like to make new friends?
- Want to spend quality time with your children?
If you said yes to the above, then you have found the right place!
What does Scouting do for youth?
Scouting volunteers have provided generations of Canadian youth with a first opportunity to sleep in a tent, to experience leadership and to build self-reliance and self-confidence. Volunteer dedication, resourcefulness and enthusiasm are vital to Scouting.
Why is Scouting a great Volunteer experience?
Many people are looking for ways to develop skills that help them achieve personal and professional goals. Scouting has a long tradition of providing such opportunities.
- A fully trained leader completes thorough online and experiential learning in understanding youth, program planning, leadership and risk management
- Scouting offers many opportunities to develop marketing, communication,
financial management, and fundraising skills - Scouts Canada also offers excellent volunteer development courses
Current Opportunities
- Beaver-Scouter (full and part-time)
- Cub-Scouter (full and part-time)
- Scout-Scouter (full and part-time)
- Assistant Group Executive Director (Assistant Group Commissioner)
- Program Administrator
- Head of Program & Scouting Experience
- Head of Safety & Volunteer Success
- Head of Growth & Sustainability
- Web Page Administrator
- Social Media Manager
- ScoutsTracker Administrator
- Fundraising Committee Member
- Property Committee Representative
- Camp Maintenance Volunteer (skilled)
- Camp Maintenance Volunteer (unskilled)
How do I volunteer with Scouts Canada
Becoming a volunteer with Scouts Canada is a multi-step process and we are here to help you every step of the way. The process includes a personal interview, the provision of three personal references, and a Police Record Check. With one-on-one help from an experienced coach, you’ll participate in a three-month orientation and probation period where you’ll learn all the basics to help you provide great programs for youth.
Once you become a leader, you’re provided with further training and tools and support to help you on your way. You’ll attend courses and workshops, receive Scouting Life magazine and can access helpful online support resources.
If you can commit 12 – 14 hours per month, you can make a difference in the lives of many kids and help shape a better world for tomorrow.
Contact us if you are interested in volunteering!
Prepare to Register
Before you create and log in to your account at myScouts.ca, you will want to gather some information:
a. An Email address that you are not using for your youth; and
b. A list of 5 people, providing first and last names and their email addresses.
That’s it!
As needed information:
Your Postal Code.
Council: Voyageur
Group: 1st Bayridge
Section: Beavers/Cubs/Scouts – and the section corresponding to you locally.
Police Records Checks with Vulnerable Sector Screening
A NEW member and requires a POLICE RECORDS CHECK with
VULNERABLE SECTOR CHECK (Kingston Police or OPP Level 3).
Once complete, the hard copy with stamp must be submitted to the Group Commissioner.
Kingston Police Online PRC w/VSS Application
You’ll be interviewed by 2 Scouters to determine your suitability to volunteer with Youth.
You can begin training right away in your myscouts.ca account. Go to the David Heustis Learning Centre.