Award for Scouter Pat
I’m pleased to announce that Scouter Patricia Friske was awarded the Bar to the Medal of Merit,
Our thanks to our Scouters for their ongoing efforts to provide excellent program and support!!

We have an amazing group of Beaver Scouts in 1st Bayridge Colony, and six of them have earned their Top Section Award – the North Star Award. Each of the Beavers was presented with their woggle, badge, trophy, and a lawn sign to tell everyone how incredible they are!! Congratulations to: Liam B.Maxwell C.Daniel J.Avery…
Congratulations to Scouter Jake, as he was awarded the Bar to the Medal of Good Service. Jake is the Contact Scouter for our Venture Company. He was given the award while getting the company set up for rock climbing yesterday. He was all hot and sweaty – literally dripping sweat – so we didn’t take…
This past weekend the Venturer Company and Rover Crew headed off to Rovent for a weekend of fun, challenge, and comradery. Despite the cool weather 1st Bayridge placed 2nd in the pumpkin carving contest, finished near the top in the catapult competition, and most importantly re-connected with friends and made new ones.
Congratulations to Scouter Rob Longfield of 1st Bayridge Troop on receving Voyageur Council’s Order of the Caribou. Scouter Rob was recognized for organizing the “Great Scout Campout – Virtual Camp” from 29-31 Jan 2021. The Camp encouraged youth to sleep anywhere but their beds. Many slept outdoors in quinzhees, basement tents or good old fashioned…
1st Bayridge Group is supported by the Loyalist Youth Association who fund raise at the Play! Gaming and Entertainment Centre. Thanks to Both. We receive about $12,000 a year in support purchase of program needs including snowshoes, helmets, tents, badges, footballs, soccer balls, and other goods.